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Vote for The Heist Law Firm in the 2025 Best of Charleston Awards!

We are excited to announce that The Heist Law Firm has been nominated in multiple...

Max Settlement

The Heist Law Firm achieved the maximum settlement limits for our client who was injured...

Great Settlement for a great client!

The Heist Law Firm had the pleasure of helping a five star client recover from...

Five Star Firm

The Heist Law Firm is proud to announce our 5-star rating by! Expertise rated...
South Carolina Voyager written on white background

Hidden Gem – Heist Law Firm

Check out the South Carolina Voyager article on the Heist Law Firm! The South Carolina...
A group of people standing in front of a sign.

Meet the Team

Heist Law Firm is proud to be serving the Carolina community. As a firm we...
A black and white advertisement for a personal injury law firm.

August Recap

With summer coming to an end the Heist Legal team wants to wish all of...
A black and white image of the first law firm logo.

Size Matters

It's said that size matters… and at Heist Law Firm that couldn’t be more true....
A tent with people sitting under it

Burke High Jam Fest

Heist Law Firm had the privilege of sponsoring Burke High Schools annual Jam Fest Reunion!...
A stethoscope sitting on top of a personal injury law book.

Heist Can Help!

This week, Heist Law Firm achieved successful settlements in two automobile cases, one amounting to...